
Object Class

Euclid - This means that SCP-173 is dangerous but not overly difficult to contain.

Special Containment Procedures:


Anomalous Properties:

SCP-173 is able to move around on its own, and will try to kill anyone near it by breaking their neck or strangling them. However, it cannot move if it is being looked at by another creature. For example, if a person were to stand in front of SCP-173 and stare at it, it would not be able to hurt them unless the person blinks or looks away. SCP-173 can move very rapidly, but only when not being looked at, reminiscent of the Weeping Angels from the TV show Doctor Who (the Weeping Angels were created after SCP-173). A sound of scraping stone originating in the container is heard constantly, and any change to the sound is reported immediately.

SCP-173 also produces a mixture of feces and blood that coats the area it is being kept in. No one knows how SCP-173 produces this mixture.

Other Information:

SCP-173 was the first SCP ever created, posted on /x/ on 4chan in the summer of 2007, and was the catalyst for the entire website. The original image is of a sculpture by Izumi Kato.

SCP-173 is part of the SCP Heritage Collection, a series of (currently) 14 SCP articles that basically acts as a "SCP Hall of Fame," containing SCPs that are iconic, easily identified, and important to the website's history and culture.

Many people have wondered whether it is possible to keep SCP-173 in place with only one person by alternately closing one eye, then the other so that it is always being watched without the person's eyes drying out or tearing up. This has been countered by the theory that SCP-173 gets more aggressive when people try to do this, and when they eventually mess up SCP-173 kills them in a more violent manner.

There is also a theory that SCP-173 is able to move whenever it wants regardless of being observed; it simply chooses to mess with people for its own amusement.

Relationship with Dr. Alto Clef

Due to the SCP websites lack of cannon, it is up to the reader to determine many aspects of different SCPs. In a file located on the SCP wiki, SCP 173 has a romantic remlationship with Dr. Alto Clef. The file gives 173 she/her pronouns. According to the aforementioned file, SCP 173 does not attack Dr. Clef and breaking eye contact with it does not posses any threat while Dr. Clef is around the object. View the file with caution as it contains mature content inappropriate for audiences under 18.
